If you are one of those who can not do everything in 24 hours! Welcome. We have so much to do, so many people that we need to be available that we can be frustrated at the end of the day and even be discouraged. I propose you today 5 keys to have a productive day.
1. Plan your week
One of the examples of productivity that the Bible gives us is that of the ant. The Word of God commends us to observe it and to learn from it. What characterizes it in the book of proverbs is that it does not wait until the last minute to do things. When it’s harvest it’s gathering, and when it’s winter, it’s managing its stock to last until the next harvest.
It’s the same for you. Take a moment between Friday night and Sunday night depending on your obligations to organize your week.
Go to the ant, lazy; Consider his ways, and become wise. She has neither chief, nor inspector, nor master; she prepares her food in the summer, She raises food during the harvest.
Proverb 6.6-8
2. Always start with God
A man whom God has powerfully used and whose name I have forgotten has said, “The more my day has to be filled, the more time I have to go into the presence of God before I begin.” It is not only a matter of praying, but also of studying, of meditating on His Word. Marie had chosen the right part, because she discerned that the priority was not to get excited to take care of the guests when the master was present.
Always start your day at your feet for half an hour. 15 to 20 minutes of prayer then 10 to 15 minutes in his Word.
3. Be disciplined
One of the enemies of productivity is doing what you want to do when you want to do it. Start each day with what is important and especially what you do not want to do. So in the afternoon you can devote yourself to what you like most and not see the time. If you start with what you like the hours will pass and you will meet at 10 pm without having done what was really important.
4. Take breaks
Do not forget that you are not a machine. I know that Beyonce can work 15 hours in a row without drinking and peeing, but it’s healthy for her body to work that way. Your body is your ally and the one who will give you the longevity to fulfill your mission and live the success. It is even physiologically proven that the same level of optimal concentration can not be maintained for more than 45 minutes. .
Take care of yourself. Give yourself breaks, small rewards that will allow you to start working as fresh as when you started.
I hope these 4 keys will help you organize your days. If you do not hesitate to share with us in comment 🙂