God calls us to be leaders. Women who must be the light in the world. Women that God called to make a difference in this world, to be his instruments of evangelization to save the world. This mission he entrusted to you is important and requires that you pray daily for 5 topics that seem important to me
1. Humility
Do not do anything by party spirit or vain glory, but humility makes you look at others as being above yourself. [Philippians 2.3]
We are called to make an impact that will make us more or less public. Being a blessing to others, this will naturally bring some financial or in-kind benefits and sometimes benefits and treatments worthy of the great lady that we are in Christ. Because of this exposure:
- We can quickly catch a big head.
- We can quickly forget that everything is only by the grace of God
- We can quickly forget that our demands can deserve what God wants to show to others through our
character. - We can quickly become proud, pretentious and contaminated by the environment in which one evolves instead of being the one who contaminates others by manifesting the character of Christ and the values of his kingdom.
Look around you and you will see that many of those who have had this kind of attention or impact are farting a cable. Glory belongs to God. We are not created to redirect it on us. To pray for God to help us to remain humble will assure us our place with our Lord. We must not miss heaven because men praise and honor us. Let us render glory to God at all times.
2. Our partners
The one who is the ally of a thief hurts himself. He knows the curse that threatens him, but he does not denounce the thief. [Proverbs 29.24]
To work in a church or Christian ministry requires working with mature christians. But in the world things do not happen that way. God can give you favor with people who are not christian. Those that will facilitate your assumption, or the evolution of the project or the enterprise that God put to your heart without sharing your faith. It is obvious that you must have common values because we are talking about partnership for a specific action or project.
Praying for one’s destiny partners is important.
- May God guide them to us.
- May God keep them.
- May God keep our relations from all strange storms that will make us separate when it is not the will of God.
3. A balance life
In this world, there is a time for everything and a moment for every thing [Ecclesiastes 3.1]
The project that God has put to our hearts fascinates us. We can work hours to see it hatch. Last night at 12:30 am, I was inspired to write this article. And here I am at 12:39 am writing it because I see a generation of mature Christian leaders emerge, anchored in the Word of God, being powerful weapons in the hands of God.
But I am also extremely tired in this season where I gave everything at 360 ° for the conference.
We must be balanced. Take time to take care of ourselves and our body, otherwise we will not be able to finish the race that is ours. We will not be able to fulfill our destiny. We are body, soul and spirit and we must grant, even plan time to deal with these 3 aspects, to manifest the woman God sees when he looks at us 360 °.
4. Your surroundings
We can succeed without having an entourage that encourages us, we support, we pamper when we need it … But it’s better to succeed with his blanket and his family at his side. It’s better to have arms to cuddle when you need, instead of an empty bed. It’s better to have someone who encourages us when we’re down instead of all the time encouraging ourselves.
If you are married you must pray that your mission does not deprive you of this family that God has given you. You must pray for wisdom to maintain the flame in your couple while planning moments of quality with your children. You are a being of relationship and you need moments of pause with those who are called to stay in your life for the best and the worst. Moments with those who love you for you and not for what you do.
If you are single, your entourage is also very important. You need people who bring you your favorite food just because they thought of you. You need a friend who takes you to the spa because it’s been a month since you work non stop. You need encouragement and listening. Your friends, your relatives can also bring you this. If you yearn for marriage pray for it, but also pray for an entourage that brings you what you need emotionally, psychologically and spiritually.
Being married does not mean that you do not need a sister’s circle, with whom you can share everything, but especially pray and “chill” together. Pray for our relational circle.
5. Protection and discernment
The Lord is faithful, he will strengthen you and protect you from the evil one. [2 Thessalonians 3.3]
Stupid, learn discernment; Foolish, learn the intelligence. [Proverb 8.5]
The leadership position brings all kinds of people to us.
- Those with good intention
- Those who have a personal agenda and want to use us
- Those who are jealous and would like to see us sink
- Those who would sincerely want to learn from us
- Those who admire us
A lot of people, with many motivations. The lack of discernment can make us find ourselves in scandals, scams. People may abuse our trust and betray us.
We must therefore pray that God will protect us from our own folly, protect what he has entrusted to us, protect our family and give us discernment to avoid all the pitfalls that life and enemy will put on our way.
Do you pray for other topics? Do not hesitate to share them with us in the comments.